The following papers, which relate primarily to Enigma and other WW2 cipher machines, are available for download. For computer simulations of Enigma and a number of other cipher machines please go to the CSG simulators download page.
"Enigma: Actions Involved in the
'Double Stepping' of the Middle Rotor", David H. Hamer, Cryptologia XXI(1), January
1997 (©1997 Cryptologia). Download .pdf
"Enigma Variations: An Extended Family
of Machines", David H. Hamer, Geoff Sullivan, and Frode Weierud, Cryptologia XXII(3),
July 1998 (©1998
Cryptologia). Download .pdf version.
"M2114: A Naval Enigma; David H. Hamer", Cryptologia XXII(3), July
1998 [ Letter to the Editors] (©1998
Cryptologia). Download .pdf version.
"G-312: An Abwehr Enigma", David H.
Hamer, Cryptologia XXIV(1), January 2000 (©2000Cryptologia).
Download .pdf version.
The Alexander papers - Documents written by the late Conel
Hugh O'Donel Alexander while working as a cryptanalyst at Bletchley Park during
WW2. These have been retyped and annotated by Frode Weierud and are downloadable from his
web site - click here.
The Geheimschreiber Secret, Arne Beurling and the Success of Swedish Signals
Intelligence, by Lars Ulfving has been translated
from the Swedish by Frode Weierud and may be downloaded in either .ps or .pdf format
- click here.
William T. Tutte was the Cambridge mathematician whose work led to
Bletchley Park's break into the Fish traffic generated by the Lorenz SZ40/42 cipher
attachment. His article: "Fish and I" - the
transcript of a lecture delivered at the University of Waterloo in 1998 - is available
from Frode Weierud's web site by clicking here.
Alan Turing's Treatise on Enigma has been retyped and annotated
by CSG colleagues Ralph Erskine, Philip Marks and Frode Weierud. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6
are now available for download - click here.
Additional chapters will be released as they are completed.
Rejewski's "Breaking the Enigma Cipher" and "General
Report on TUNNY" authored in 1945 by Jack Good, Donald Michie and Geoffrey
Timms are both available via Frode Weierud's website by clicking here.